Proven foreign language solutions, in any format, more than 90 languages, with the highest quality and reliability standards.
LSC Services
LSC Areas of Specialization
Our Service Specialization options cater to your unique needs. Visit LSC Services to learn more about the offerings we provide to these industries.
- Arts & Entertainment
- Business
- Educational
- Government
- Healthcare
- Legal
- Medical
- Social Services
- Technical
- Web-Related
What LSC Can Do for You
- Over 90 languages, including American Sign Language (ASL). Braille and Large Print are also available.
- Translated text into and from any format, including Word, InDesign, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint.
- Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.
- On-site, over-the-phone, and other virtual options on a scheduled or on-demand basis, as needed.
- Full range of production services, including layout, reformatting, review of proofs, quality control.
- Secure and confidential work methods.
- Fast, accurate, and dependable delivery, including short-notice or rush requests.
- LSC provides services to individuals, groups, audiences, and delegations at any type of event or location.
How to Work with LSC
LSC has a standard workflow for each of our services. Send us a general information request by clicking the button below. Once we hear from you, we will get back to you via email within 24 hours. You can also call us any time at 610-617-8962.
If you have a rush request, please be sure to provide your required delivery date and preferences in the comments area of the form. Each project is overseen by one of our experienced Project Managers, with whom you will stay in contact throughout the job’s duration.

What our Clients are saying about LSC